


论文题目Revisiting processing time for metaphorical expressions: An eye-tracking study on eye-voice span dur
论文作者Zheng Binghan、Zhou Hao
期刊目录 引文格式
《中国翻译》[1]Zheng Binghan、Zhou Hao.Revisiting processing time for metaphorical expressions: An eye-tracking study on eye-voice span dur[J].外语教学与研究,2018(05).
《外语电化教学》[1] Zheng Binghan、Zhou Hao.2018.Revisiting processing time for metaphorical expressions: An eye-tracking study on eye-voice span dur[J].外语教学与研究,(05):744-759.
《上海翻译》[1]Zheng Binghan、Zhou Hao.Revisiting processing time for metaphorical expressions: An eye-tracking study on eye-voice span dur[J].外语教学与研究,2018(05):744-759.
综述贡献人: hanlintao
更新时间: 2018-11-28 09:10:07am

(示例综述,演示用)This paper aims to investigate the eye-voice span (EVS), the distance between eye and voice ,insight translating metaphorical expressions (MEs). 24 MA translation students, with no professional translation or interpreting experience, were asked to conduct a sight translation (STR) task, and the processes were registered by eye-tracker and audio recorder. The qualified eye-tracking and audio data were further analysed by Tobii Studio and Audacity audio processing software. Our findings suggest that the time of the pause preceding an ME was largely, but not entirely, spent in processing the ensuing ME. However, due to the general existence of reading ahead activities in STR, the planning step for sight translating an ME takes place prior to the preceding pause; moreover, due to local processing difficulty caused by the ME, the time forreading ahead into ME (temporalEVS) is mostly greater than for reading ahead beyond ME. Our findings also reveal that the rate of methodological deviation(caused by the two different calculation approaches) for ME processing time is around 10%,butthetwoprocessingtimeshavedemonstratednostatisticallysignificant difference, validating the processing time calculated by audio data in Zheng&Xiang (2013).We conclude this paper with some reservation on eye-tracking translation research:though powerful in providing solid and informative process data, it has some limitations in clearly probing into intricate human cognitive process.